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Writer's pictureCatherine Chan

Welcome New Church

Logos Baptist Church Oakville History

Pastor Edwin Wang Hongyuan

In order to serve Chinese community in Oakville Ontario, because more and more Chinese families migrating to Oakville, Logos Baptist Church Mississauga developed of Oakville Ministries in 2015. and we began renting the Iroquois Ridge Community Center on February 1st to have every Sunday worship service at 3pm. During the past few years, many Chinese people believed in Jesus Christ and baptized through Oakville ministry.

In 2019, under the magical guidance, we cooperated with King's Community Church and moved to King's Christian Collegiate for our Sunday worship place on November 2019.

Thanks God, for He keep sending more and more brothers and sisters who have the burden and enthusiasm to develop ministry in Oakville to form a 10-member "Ministry Committee", and lead the pastor Wang to join us to expand God’s kingdom in this area and save more lost souls.

We have seen so much God’s blessing, including His leading, protection and providence, even under Covid-19 lockdown, God added more saved people to us, also we have collected more offering than before.

In the middle of 2021 LBCM encouraged the Oakville ministry to become a church planting, we registered in CRA as a non-profit Organization: Logos Baptist Church Oakville.

For the past 3 years we keep preaching God’s Word online and in person, we had more than 30 people believed in Jesus Christ, and our Sunday worship attendance doubled than before Covid-19. In the mean time we keep serving the Chinese community, many people’s life changed with more joy and peace, brothers and sisters love Lord, love themselves, and love one another, we are blessed. Our church keeps growing in numbers and spiritual life.

We have about 100 adult and children regularly attend Sunday worship now.

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